Well it has been apparently a couple of years since I wrote anything interesting on this blog so here goes.
Gay marriage. What in hell scares so many straight folks with same gender marriage? How in heck does my getting wed to a consensual adult male have anything to frighten the so called 'christians'? Because the bible says so is not a good reason. Its like when your parents told you 'because I said so that's why'. Its not an answer. And the State of Massachusetts did not fall off the face of the earth, nor have anyone made any more money or lost any, outside of divorce lawyers getting in on the deal. I doubt anything bad will happen to the state of California either. And it doesn't seem to be a problem with most of Europe either. Are we really that backwards here?
And why is being a liberal such a bad thing? When did it fall out of favor to take care of your fellow human being? You bible folks seem to forget that golden rule you are supposed to live by, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" I believe is the quote. With so many of you being "conservative" but you cannot even follow your own bibilical rules? I do believe these were not meant as suggestions but as a way to live your life. And then there is this whole "judge not least you be judged' thing, you all seem to be so good at judging others. Seems like those bible thumpers are good at telling you what to do but not so hot at following through.