Saturday, February 18, 2012

The world will stop spinning in just a few minutes, just ask a republican..

We need to get back to basics. Gay marriage approved in a few more states (god help us) the stock market is going through the roof! Obama's job approval is at 50% (who saw that coming?) GM didn't fail, bilk the tax payers (too heavily) and has managed to turn a record company wide profit, pay back some of their loan and give workers a bonus (it has to be a left wing conspiracy by the union workers and can not be allowed to last!), and that pesky unemployment thing keeps going down! Have the saints forsaken us?

There is some comfort, we have managed for the moment, to divert attention from all this kayos and put it squarely were it belongs, away from our failures of today to refocus on our past, abolishing abortion and contraceptives for women, making then only have sex for pro-creation, and if they mess that up too bad, they have to deal with those pesky children on their own, because any woman who can manage to get pregnant deserves to have a worthless child hanging around their neck for the next 20 years or so.  Forget the cost of the pill vs. the sanctity of life at any cost (we republicans are not really good at math but we excel at morality, just ask Newt's third wife!). We welcome the tax-exempt help from the Catholic Church, which we are relieved to be on our side for a change, after all, we, the republican party are the most holy and righteous party looking out for America's well being! Those pesky liberals have no idea how to act like good, caring, loving and obedient Christians like the Catholics do. They love a good fight, just look at all the practice they had in the Crusades!

 Obama, that dirty fighter, has managed to convince half of those who bother to take polls that he is actually doing a better job in D.C. despite our best work in blocking everything he has tried to do these last few years, including sticking him with dealing with his predecessors budget for the first year in office, and making him take the heat for the three years of kayos he's had to live through by our gerrymandering. Not to mention relieving dad B and sonny from the responsibility of releasing our brethren, the lonely 1%, from paying more tax than they think is fare. After all, they create all those jobs the liberals keep harping about. And hats off to Sonny Bush, giving our defense contractors such a good long unfunded war, and for our buddies the Chinese for taking a chance on us and loaning us the trillions of buckaroos we need to sustain this darn thing, until of course, pesky Obama ended it so abruptly.

  Now if we can only get involved in a war with Iran, everyone will forget that Obama's watch got Bin La din, found, shot or contained most of his minions, solved a crisis with other NATO troops protecting Libya, and got us out of Iraq and killing Saddam Hussein, even though he was a long time trusted ally in that region for decades. Nothing like a good new war to re-energize the republican base! and DADT has to come back! Every man and woman should kept in their places and act like men and women for the love of the gods. These men and women are fighting to keep the status quo,not to stir up all sorts of rubbish about 'all men are created equal" thing, which is a completely out of context statement that those pesky libertarians like to mess with.

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