Thursday, January 26, 2012


One of my online buds was busy wishing that today was Friday already so he could start his weekend. I am certain he, like the rest of us, appreciates hard work, and the benefits of having a day off to re-connect with things he either had procrastinated on or is looking forward to beginning.

I wondered why he, along with a lot of us, was wishing his life away, one day at a time. We have this moment, this time at our disposal now. It is for today to do or live or feel whatever we are supposed to do right this very second. The thought does occur that we do not know with any reasonable amount of certainty if we actually will wake in the morning, or make it through the rest of today.

Why not spend this moment, this day doing, feeling, expressing, loving, or breathing everything today, right now, that the moment has to offer? Why not appreciate the job you hate or the house that needs cleaning, or the dog that needs a bath and turn it around to make these things we are trying to avoid and just do what we have to to the best of our abilities and live within the moment. Been putting off making a phone call to a loved one? Don't have time to visit someone you are missing in a nursing home? Missing that time to play with your children or your grandchildren? There is no time like right now, you can always be a couch potato after you die. Then is the time to 'rest'.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

SSDD from our 'esteemed representatives'

Romney is aloof, Gingrich is sly, We need more anti-abortion legislation, yet we want to reign in big government, We should all have equal freedoms, but still be discriminatory against same sex marriage, Democrats spend too much,,,but Reagan started it all...

Over and over, radio, TV, internet spin, Republican party elite think we should just shut up and listen to them, because everyone else is wrong. Thinking aloud for a moment here,  President Obama has seen some job growth, despite surviving one of the worst recessions in decades that started well before he took office, managed to change health care insurance laws so children with pre-existing conditions can stay on their parents insurance a little longer, found and eliminated that Bin laden character, oh, and helped stop a brutal war in Libya without getting US grown troops involved, and I think I'm forgetting something..oh...Ended a war in Iraq, and made plans to get us the heck out of Pakistan, without the help of a house that is determined, to hell with what America needs, lets make him a one term president, working against him with such vitriol and transparent bigotry it makes us wonder if we are back in 1956.

Where is the common sense. One Republican candidate thinks $375K is not an a lot of money, hardly worth mentioning, one has divorced sick and ailing wives twice so far, all the while carrying on affairs with the next mrs whoever. Another thinks gays should just stop being gay for god's sake. Another wants to legalize street drugs, dissolve the government and carry on. Justice for all so they maintain.

Good Grief.